Social work

Social work

Developments in Social Welfare

3. The expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit.
The earned income tax credit gave a tax cut to 15 million workers, including poor workers without children. This allows lower class families or individuals to get rewarded for work, and it also gives them a lump sum to help with bills and expenses.
The creation of The State Children’s Health Insurance Program
SCHIP provided 48 billion dollars over a ten year period to cover non-insured children. Even though it didn’t solve the whole healthcare problem it did help began the healthcare debate.

The Deadbeat Parents Punishment Acts
This act was very important to me. It made it a felony for fathers to neglect their obligations. Though it only collected 15 billion of 50 billion owed in child support, Clinton ordered the treasury department to offset child support debts against federal payments such as income tax returns. It also allowed agencies to deny parents who were in arrears loans, loan guarantees and loan insurance. They also track non-payers across state lines which is really helpful since some fathers try to move in order to get away from paying child support. Other penalties were, garnishment of wages, seizing of income tax refunds and property, and revoking of driver and professional licenses.

Marginalized People

5. The Omnibus Crime Control Act intensified action against people who were poor or from minority groups .There was disproportionate reporting and apprehension of suspects, along with more convictions and more severe punishment for crimes committed by African Americans and other minorities. Almost one in three African Americans were under some form of criminal supervision in 1995, and by 1999, 46 percent of all inmates serving a year or more were African American. The rate of imprisonment for black women was eight times more than that for white women. “Social costs of pursuing hard line on criminal justice are inestimable, especially...

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