

Andres Virguez 9/7/13

1. The main components of Criminal Justice consist of agencies of police, courts, and corrections.
The Police: enforce the law, investigate crimes, apprehend offenders, reduce and prevent crime, maintain public order, ensure community safety, provide emergency and related community services and protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals
Correctional Agencies: carry out sentences imposed by the courts, provide safe and humane custody and supervision of offenders, protect the community, rehabilitate, reform, and reintegrate convicted offenders back into the community, respect the legal and human rights of the convicted
Criminal Courts: conduct fair and impartial trials, decide criminal cases, ensure due process, determine guilt or innocence, impose sentences on the guilty, uphold the law, require fairness throughout the justice process, protect the rights and freedoms of anyone facing processing by the justice system, provide a check on the exercise of power by other justice system agencies
The main components of criminal justice system interrelate and conflict because police departments want to look better for the public in order to receive good reputation. The consensus model is a system is to work together harmoniously to achieve the social product we call "justice". The goals of agencies often conflict, and pressures for success, promotion, pay increases, and general accountability fragment the efforts of the system as a whole. There was a case where a burglar was caught red-handed during his commission of burglary and the police told him to confess to many unsolved burglaries they knew he did not commit so that they could seem that they solved these cases. They told him, "help us out, and we will try to help you out!" Police officers have a goal of putting offenders behind bars whereas prison...

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