Sociology Review

Sociology Review


1. Culture
Language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and even material objects that are passed from a generation to the next.

2. Material Culture.
Consist of such things as jewelry, art, buildings, weapons, machines, and even eating utensils, hairstyle and clothing.

3. Non- Material Culture
Is a group’s way of thinking and doing. That is, beliefs, including gestures and other forms of interaction .
The culture within us. Culture is thought to us but after sometimes becomes part of us. We feel is inborn innate.

4. Culture shock
This is the disorientation that people experience when they come in contact with a fundamentally different culture ad can no longer depend on their taken-for – granted assumption about life.

5. Ethnocentrism
This is a tendency to use our own group’s way of doing things as a yardstick of judging others. All of us learn that the ways of our own group are good, right and even superior to other ways of life. Therefore, we tend to think (unconsciously mostly) that our culture is superior to another culture.

6. Cultural relativism
To counter ethnocentrism we can practice cultural relativism.
That is, we try to understand a culture on its own terms.
This means looking at how the elements of a culture fit together,
Without judging those elements as superior or inferior to our own way of life.

7. Folkways
Norms that are NOT strictly enforced are called folkways.
We expect people to comply with folkways, but tend to react in a “not a big deal” manner if they are broken.
We in the U.S. pass people on the right when walking down the sidewalk, but when someone does it on the left we may notice it but not enforce their “error.”

8. Mores ( More-rays)
Other norms, however, may be treated as serious social rules.
A person who steals, rapes, or kills has violated some of society’s most important mores. (if you brake you get a punishment)
 For example, a man who walks down...

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