Socioloy Keywords

Socioloy Keywords



• Transnational Corporation (TNC)- A large business with operations and outlets in a range of


• Cross-Media Ownership- When a company owns a range of media forms such as TV and


• Media Conglomerate- An organisation that owns large numbers of companies in various mass
media such as TV, radio, publishing and film.!


• Vertical Integration- When a media company controls every stage of media production eg. it
makes and broadcasts TV programmes. !

• Synergy- Integration of different media forms!

• Market Mechanism- of the media, a pluralist argument that media content is determined by
audiences through supply and demand!

• Old Media- Analogue media such as cinema, TV and print!
• New Media- Digital media such as internet, PCs and digital TV!

• Ideological State Apparatus (ISA)- a collection of institutions that transmit ideology that
supports the existing social arrangements!

• Legitimation- Making the system seem just and fair !
• Hegemony- The ideological control that the ruling-class elite have over the masses!

• False consciousness- the illusion instilled into the working class that the capitalist system is fair
for everyone in society!


• Mass Culture- Contemporary culture as the product of capitalism, mass productions and the
mass media!


• Popular Culture- The view that contemporary culture is the product of interaction between mass
culture and other cultural forms such as high culture and folk culture!

• Folk Culture- The culture of ordinary people!
• High Culture- The culture of the elite!

• Globalisation- increased world interconnectedness through the flow of nations, people. ideas,
technology and culture in general.!


• Cultural Imperialism- when the cultural output of one region dominates the cultural output of
other regions especially aggressive promotion of Western Culture, specifically American...

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