

Softball in Action
When you want to play softball some of the first things you will need to do are make sure you are not wearing anything that is not comfortable. Make sure what you have one is cool, but also something that you are willing to get dirty if need be. You are going to need cleats, a glove, a bat and a helmet. Once you get to the field and you have all the gear you need than your coach will have you to stretch and then have you do different warm up. So that you won’t pull a muscle and so that you’ll be ready for what goes on through the rest of the practice.
As you stretch there will be one person that does the counting for each stretch that is done. You will start will your arms and make sure that you are fully stretched but you don’t want to stretch it too much that it starts to hurt. Then once you are done stretching your arms next are legs. Once that is done everyone as to run two laps around the field and then meets back and lines up on the white line and the coach has the team run sprints, lunges, and jumping jacks. As soon as your done heart is good and pumping then that is when you pick a partner and you throw till your arm is good and loose.
Once everyone is done warming up, then everyone will go to their positions. If you’re in the infield then you will throw the ball to first base, but as for the outfield they will throw to second base just as long as it doesn’t go over there head if so then you will throw to your cut offs. The coach will hit the balls to each person a few times, but you will not know when it is coming to you. So that is why you have to be ready at all times. Communication is the key when playing as a team, and without it then you as a team have failed. After the coach is done hitting to each player then he or she will pick a couple of players to come and run the bases. And the infield and the outfield will try to get the runners out, so that they don’t score. But if they do score then that is a lap for...

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