Solar Energy

Solar Energy

In today's climate of growing energy needs and increasing environmental concern, alternatives to the use of non-renewable and polluting fossil fuels have to be investigated. One such alternative is solar energy. There are many advantages to solar energy, but there are a few disadvantages as well.
One advantage is solar energy is a renewable resource unlike fossil fuels (coal, oil, etc.) which will run out inevitably. Also, solar energy produces no pollution unlike fossil fuels. Solar energy is better for the environment, compared to fossil fuels and other electric power. With wind, wind power plants convert wind into electricity, but if there is no wind, wind power plants will not be able to convert electricity. Coal mining can scar the landscape and the equipment used for mining is large and noisy which may affect local wildlife and burning coal emits harmful waste. Natural Gas is a highly inflammable substance and there are huge costs involved in transporting natural gas through pipes. These are just some of the disadvantages of other alternative energy sources.
Another advantage of Solar Energy is that in certain countries, including the United States, excessive power generated can be sold back to local electricity company. By using Solar Energy, you are being paid for the energy you have left over. The investment of the solar panels could be paid back within a considerable amount of time. In addition, solar panels also reduce dependence on the power company.
Another advantage of solar energy would be the solar energy would be the solution to all of Earth energy problems. The amount of energy this nonsense towards our plan is 35,000 times more than what we currently produce and consume. Some part of this energy is reflected back into space but a lot of it is absorbed by the atmosphere and other elements surrounding the inner atmosphere. Solar power is the most bountiful energy source on the planet. There is 173,000 terawatts of solar power hitting the...

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