Someone That Made a Big First Impression on Me

Someone That Made a Big First Impression on Me

Someone that made a big first impression on me would be my girlfriend. For more reasons than one, I found her extremely attractive, well mannered, and strangely enough hypnotizing. I met her the first day of my 8th grade year at Shiloh Middle. When we met we were working in a group, brainstorming ideas on how to entertain our class with a skit. Before we even got into our groups I figured out how my teacher was assigning people to their designated groups and made it so that we could be in one together. The moment I heard my name and hers together, I knew she had to be mine. While in our group she complimented me a number of times on how “cute” I was which made me even more attracted to her. She herself was beautiful, lips shining with lip gloss, hair nicely flat ironed to where there were no stray hairs, nails painted with an extravagant design, and her outfit showed her curves but also implied that she wasn’t a streetwalker. The thing that most impressed me was her intelligence and ability to speak in front a population.
While in our group I couldn’t help but realize just how beautiful she was, it almost blew my mind. Whenever she looked at me it was as if my heart dropped into my stomach and I couldn’t breathe. Now, me being the 8th grader I was, I wasn’t focused on the assignment at hand but yet, how I could impress her or bewitch her into being as hypnotized as I was. In middle school we often played house so to speak by calling one friend a brother, another a sister, another a mother or father, cousin, uncle auntie, etc. When this occurred between us we were husband and wife & we acted as such for the longest. Eventually we became best friends and I listened to her preach about how boys were doing her wrong and who she liked at the time which really upset me seeing how I had such strong feelings for her but I put them aside and I played the best friend role.
While we were best friends we were very heavily involved with each other, so much so that others...

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