Something Destined

Something Destined

Something destined
Dream hurriedly went to the entrance of this splendid hotel, with her curious eyes looking around. She had dressed up carefully before she came here. She would meet again those she had not seen since the graduation from university ten years ago. Many of her classmates came from different places to meet here. Fortunately, she worked in this city. So, it didn’t cost her too much money and time to join this gathering.
A porter welcomed her warmly and led her to the place that indicated in her invitation letter. As they were passing through the corridors, her heart beat more and more quickly. She was busy combing her hair and tidying the new clothes that she was wearing. They finally stopped in front of a half-opened door. She hesitated for a while, took a deep breath and then stepped forward to enter the room with her back being more upright.
There were already a lot of people chatting in different circles. Those who saw Dream entering kindly greeted her. A smiling woman with lots of makeup came up to her while others went back to continue their joyful chatting.
“Dream, long time no see. Why are you so late? ” the woman screamed with her open arms approaching Dream.
Hearing the familiar sharp voice, Dream was quite sure that she must be Shine, her once gossip roommate.
“Hi, Shine. Sorry, the traffic was so crowded”
“I heard that you are working in this city as a saleswoman, right? You must have a difficult time commuting on crowded buses and subways here. It is not easy to live a comfortable life in this big city,” Shine looked at Dream sympathetically.
Dream blushed suddenly and unconsciously looked around. She did live a hard life here. Although she and her husband had struggled to work for many years, they were still living an unsettled life. They couldn’t and perhaps never would be able to afford to buy a house due to the extremely high house price here. When she graduated from the university, she firmly decided to settle in a big...

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