Sound and Audio on Event

Sound and Audio on Event

Sound and Audio in Event
In event sound is very important as they called sound design or PA system or sound reinforcement that handles the sound of event. They use speakers, monitors, microphones, subwoofer, mixer, cables, power Amplifier and others. I have learned and handled when i was in Matriculation. In my opinion and observations on all events that i have handled and go, sound is very important in event.
Sound reinforcement covers a lot of ground, from small cafe that hold live events to outdoor concerts with audiences numbering in the tens of thousands. What's more, the type of sound necessary for a rock concert might be quite different from sound that's appropriate for a world-music concert, for example. The sound system must be optimally matched to the scale of the event as well as the content. One thing that most live events have in common, regardless of scale, is the need for sound design that results in a clear, natural overall sound. If the sound is muddy, or if some frequencies are unnaturally louder or softer than others, the audience will end up fatigued and will not be able to enjoy the event. The audience should be able to clearly hear where the sound of each source is coming from.
Sound is important in delivering a successful event. In order to be successful, an event must connect an important message to the attending audience or spectators. To ensure that the message is successfully relayed is through the effective and budget application technology of sound.
At live events and concerts it is often to see one or more sound engineers operating the mixer in the midst of the audience and perhaps technicians busily making adjustments to equipment on stage. What came in my mind of them is they are sound professionals and it can be very difficult and complicated to handle as it is hectic behind the stage.
Having sound equipment at an event is because for audience can clearly hear the music, speeches and audio effects. For example, a concert...

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