Sound and Image - Braveheart

Sound and Image - Braveheart

Sound and Image

I took my clip from called Braveheart. I chose the part where William Wallace (Mel Gibson) has been captured and is going to be tortured. The movie is directed by Mel Gibson, original music by James Horner and cinematography by John Toll. It is said on IMDB (1995) that ‘“Braveheart” has won 5 Oscars, another 15 wins and has had 20 nominations’. “Braveheart” got a Oscar for best cinematography, best director, best effects, sound effects editing, best makeup and best picture. Firstly I am going to write about the context of the clip. Secondly I am going to talk about sound and after that about image. In conclusion I will bring sound and image together.
I chose the scene where William Wallace is captured and held prisoner in Longshanks castle. They’re going to torture him until he confesses all that he has done. William Wallace is in his cell, on he’s knees and talking to god, asking for strength to die well. On background you can hear yelling people in the courtyard. The soldiers take William to the stage through the crowd who throws him with vegetables. Royal magistrate comes to him and reveals different torturing weapons and tells him that if he just begs for mercy, then he will receive a quick death. They start to torture him. First they hang him for little while. When the soldiers let him down he falls flat on the ground, he’s weak and coughing. Royal magistrate turns to him and says ‘just kiss the royal emblem and it will be all over.’ William rises on his knees, he’s head is on the same level as the royal emblem. Everybody quiets down to see if he is going to kiss it. Everything stands still for a moment, suddenly William stands up and looks at the royal magistrate with a very confident face. Royal magistrate turns away, looks at the mob and says ‘wreck him’ and people start cheering again. Executioners tie ropes to William’s hands and feet. They signal the horse and they stretch him. Royal magistrate checks the ropes and...

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