Special Needs and Special Population

Special Needs and Special Population

Special Needs and Special Population
Mandi Haverman, Tyree Tanner, Shakita Hunter, Yolanda Green
May 6, 2013
Erik Holmgren

Special Needs and Special Population
Working with individuals of a special population and require special needs can be challenging for some but, a rewarding opportunity for others. Living with autism is challenging for the individual but can be stressful on family members caring for these individuals. However; to successfully provide the best support for autistic people, families must be aware of the issues that come along with caring for someone who is autistic. Individuals who have autism are a special population of people. Autistic children and adults experience many challenges on a daily basis different from those who do not require special needs. Autism is a complex developmental disability that appears during the first three years of life and affects how one communicates and interacts with others (Autism Society, 2013).
The characteristics of autism have varying degrees that defines particular behaviors. Autism is a spectrum disorder because it affects each individual differently. Studies have shown that autism affects 1 out of every 88 people living in the United States out of which most cases are boys, 1 out of every 54. Individuals subject to acquiring autism are those at risk of phenylketonuria, tuberous sclerosis, certain medical conditions, and congenital rubella syndrome that include fragile X. Besides genetics, environmental factors, such as mercury can also contribute to autism occurrences. The following is a discussion that includes some of the barriers in the delivery of autism services as well as some practical solutions. This paper also includes assessment techniques, intervention strategies, and treatment planning options to assist this vulnerable population of people.
According to Chowdhury (2009), “Autistic Spectrum Disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders which are classified under...

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