Special Physicians

Special Physicians

Specialist Physicians are a group of physicians who work in clinical medicine, in laboratory medicine and also in surgery. Basically Specialist Physicians are doctors, who specialize in an area of medicine such as the heart (cardiologist), brain (neurosurgeon) and dealing the care of infants, children and adolescence (pediatricians). In total there are more than 50 specialties. Most doctors' professional lives are filled with caring for people and continuously learning more about the human body. In reality there are three major groups of physicians classified by their work environment. Originally, physician meant a practitioner of physic (pronounced with a hard C). This archaic noun had entered Middle English by 1300 (via Old French fisique). Physic meant the art or science of treatment with drugs or medications (as opposed to surgery), and was later used both as a verb and also to describe the medications themselves.The work environment differs form clinical, laboratory, and surgical medicine. Clinical specials are responsible to diagnose (identify) and treat disease, and supervise laboratory activities, prescribe medication. Specialists in surgery evaluate patient’s diseases, or disorders to determine appropriate surgery, perform surgery and repair injuries, order laboratory test and X-rays. Finally specialists in laboratory study the causes and how diseases develop in humans.In some jurisdictions, specialty training is begun immediately following completion of entry-level training, or even before. In other jurisdictions, junior medical doctors must undertake generalist (un-streamed) training for one or more years before commencing specialization. Hence, depending on jurisdiction, a specialist physician (internist) often does not achieve recognition as a specialist until twelve or more years after commencing basic medical training — five to eight years at university to obtain a basic medical qualification, and up to another six years to become a specialist.

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