Spotting Spitrits

Spotting Spitrits

Spotting Spirits
Ghost hunting is an exciting and interesting hobby. Most everyone has watched at least one television show where there are people hunting ghosts but many will not try it. This unusual past time can be enjoyed with much less investment than the "professionals" want to admit. The best way to catch proof of the paranormal actually takes very little effort also. This procedure can help anyone be a successful ghost hunter on their first haunt.
The supplies needed include a digital mini recorder- these can be bought for around ten dollars at an electronics store. A good suggestion for this is to make sure that it is simple to use and not terribly easy to erase what you have recorded, lest you lose a precious EVP. EVP's are electronic voice phenomenon. An EVP is believed to be voices of the dead being caught on recording. The next most important item is the EMF detector. This detects electromagnetic fields (EMF) and can be bought for approximately twenty dollars at the corner hardware store. Spirits draw energy from the surrounding environment that will cause an electromagnetic surge that can be detected announcing someone from the beyond is around. A digital camera is another must have, preferably one that makes a sound when pictures are snapped. This is important after the hunt is over and the data that has been gathered is reviewed. Don't forget the flashlights or headlamps and batteries for all the items plus extra batteries. Extra batteries are vital since the spirits do drain batteries when they pull energy from around them to manifest. The last things needed are a couple of people for your team and someone that believes there are incorporeal beings sharing their space.
Once the supplies are obtained and a haunted friend or vexed family member has been talked into letting the team tromp around their house in the dark, the first part of the hunt can begin. This is where setup is. Make sure everything has batteries inserted and will turn on. At...