Staying in School and Going to College

Staying in School and Going to College

As kids growing up our teachers, parents, family, and friends always drilled one thing into our heads as far as education goes; and that was to stay in school. I often find myself wondering if it’s really worth it to keep pursueing a higher education, or to quit now and just go get a job and climb my way up in the world. This is one thing many people will disagree upon and to each his own, but im here to say it is worth it to continue your education, for success in the future, as well as to find a career you actually enjoy.
Currently almost 90 percent of young adults graduate from high school. Out of that 90 percent another 60 percent will continue on to college that next year. (U.S. Census Bureau 1). The U.S. Census Bureau states that a worker with no high school diploma makes on average between $18,900 and $23,400 a year. Another reliable study shows the average is about $21,000 a year. (Minnesota Office of Higher education 1). One last study done by the IES (Nation Center for Education Statistics) says that the average salary of a non high school graduate is roughly $23,000 a year. (National Center for Education Statistics 1). Whats the reason for all these numbers you may ask? As you can see by these studies the income for a worker with no High School diploma is relatively low. How does this compare to a student who does graduate high school? Just directly comparing a worker who graduated high school to a worker who did not, the high school grad makes on average another $10,000 a year.
For those out there who have already graduated high school, and are currently looking into a higher education like college, you may want to know how certain levels of degrees stack up. The Census Bureau states that an average income with a worker with an associate’s degree is about $38,200. (U.S. Census Bureau 2). The Minnesota Office of Higher education claims the average income of a worker with an associate degree is $39,500. (Minnesota Office of Higher education...

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