Steps on General Adaptation Syndrome

Steps on General Adaptation Syndrome

What steps of the general adaptation syndrome will I experience?
The steps of the general adaptation syndrome that will be experienced would be stage 1, alarm reaction. This is because the workload is to heavy and there is a possibility of quitting before you even get started. Stage 3 stage of exhaustion this is because you are working yourself to much that you just get exhausted and not able to keep up as much.

What emotional and cognitive effects might this stressor produce?
On the emotional side, anxiety and depression might be produced from this stressor. Anxiety makes things hard to focus and keep yourself on the task at hand and new tasks that will come up. Depression is much like anxiety. The cognitive effects would be anger and making it difficult to focus on the new tasks that will be put on you.

If this stress continues, how might it affect my health?
Stress always triggers high blood pressure to occur so that is one thing to watch out for. Lack of interest in your surrounding and not eating are others. Immune systems weaken over time from lack of proper nutrition which eventually will cause stomach problems. High blood pressure could cause a stroke no matter what age you are so keeping a check on it would be the best idea.
How might I resolve this situation effectively?
Talking to the boss about hiring an assistant to help with the small tasks so I can concentrate on the creative side. Trying some counseling to work out my stress and see what can be done to help lift some of the weight off of me. Make sure to find time to relax so the stress does not become more of an issue that it already has to be.

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