

n all things in life certain facts exist that are undisputable; the laws of gravity and the facts within are undisputable regardless if one chooses to ignore them. The same can be said for many things in life and while opinions and theories on many topics may vary there are generally set in stone facts accepted by all. However, this is not the case with anabolic steroids; depending on where you get your information the supposed steroid facts can vary and often quite dramatically. What you hear in the media, what you hear from U.S. congressional reports, what you read in magazines or various message boards to what you hear in your local gym, the information varies greatly but in all cases is commonly deemed steroid facts. Obviously without question most of the supposed steroid facts are wrong; there cannot be multiple correct answers to the same question; 2+2 will always equal 4 regardless of your desire for it to equal 5. So the question remains, wherein lies the truth, what are the true steroid facts and how do we determine them?
When determining the steroid facts there is one common issue often ignored and that is emotional response. When striving to find the truth in any subject a preset emotional state can often sway the final results. There’s no doubt about it, anabolic androgenic steroids are such a topic of high emotional debate and because of the emotional stance of individuals on both sides of the aisle the truth is often lost. Those who are of an anti-steroid nature will often ignore factual data simply because any factual data that goes against the desired belief is unwelcome but the same can be said of the other side as well; however, often to a far less extent. When we look at the data that has been provided over the years, in most instances the steroid facts are quite contradictory to what the anti-steroid population would have you believe yet this information is often kept in the shadows because the true steroid facts are quite damaging to the...

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