Stock Market Crash of 1929

Stock Market Crash of 1929

The Stock Market Crash of 1929, also known as Black Tuesday, occurred on October 29, 1929.

The stock market seemed to be a great investment in the 1920’s. The stock market was booming and everyone wanted to invest in it. Which made prices rise. The market prices would go up and down between 1925-1926, and then become more stable in 1927. By 1928 the stock market was in full bloom.

In early 1929, everyone seemed to want to get involved in the stock market. The outcome/profits made even more businesses and companies want to invest in the stock market.

March 25, 1929 the stock market had a mini-crash but quickly recovered. This crash was a preview of what was too come.

In spring of 1929, there were already signs of the stock market crashing, but many people seemed to ignore the signs. From June to August stock market prices reached the highest they have ever been.

Thursday October 24th, stock market prices had a drastic downfall. People across the country are selling there stocks. It quickly rose when a group of bankers invested a large amount of money into the stock market.

Black Tuesday, known as “worst day in stock market history.” Many people panicked because they could not get rid of the stocks fast enough. Everyone was selling and no one was buying. In November stockholders had to make the drastic decision to close the stock market. The prices seemed to stabilize, on November 23, 1929, but more crises was to come.

The aftermath of the Stock Market Crash was devastating. Many reports of suicide were reported. Many people lost their life...

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