Strategic Leadership

Strategic Leadership

Leadership is defined as the process of social influence in which one or more persons can conscript the aid and support of others in an organization for the attainment of a familiar task. Ken Ogbonnia takes this definition to an even higher level defining it as the ability to profitably integrate and maximize resources availability within the external and internal environment of any given organization (study mode, 2009). Basically these two definitions or explanations are point on and there are many like it in any research on this subject matter. Leadership styles are as plentiful as leaders are in any industry but there are two mainstay models that many leaders and their leadership styles adhere to in society as a whole as it relates to cultural leadership those models are Dynamic Cultural Leadership and Omnibus leadership.
The dynamic culture leadership model uses three levels as a critical element for the overall success of the business aspect of a health care organization. The objective is to target knowledge and skills of organizational leaders and legitimize the organization to complete its mission, reach its vision and to compete successfully in a climate that consistently changes. Dynamic cultural leadership is very current, relevant and ever evolving model that is an easy fit in many organizations but the omnibus leadership model although relevant focuses on future needs of an organization by including dimensional order of a higher caliber as well as individual culture and environment (Johnson, 2009).
Organizational education within both models is a definite priority as it relates to the healthcare industry in that they share a common importance (Johnson, 2009). In the dynamic cultural leadership model education is centered on enhancing the creditability of its people by utilizing their expertise within the organization whereas in the omnibus leadership model more emphasis is placed on technology expertise and equipment upgrades as a competing...

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