Strategies to Relieve Stress

Strategies to Relieve Stress


Now, the paper will shift to discuss a list of strategies to help relieve stress. Stress is “the experience of opportunities or threats that people perceive as important and also perceive they might not be able to handle or deal with effectively” (pg.275, ¶5) (George & Jones, 2005). Many people experience stress at home, work, or both places. During discussions, teammates learned that everyone deals with stress in a different way and have stressors that affect each person differently. Learning Team B compiled a variety of strategies to manage stress:

• Exercise

• Healthy diet

• Balance between personal and professional life

• Good night sleep

• Planning, managing, and creating realistic timeline goals

• Watching television

• Removing self from the stressor

• Pampering one’s self

Exercise is “any activity that works our muscles, increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to them and generally improving cardiovascular health” (AFAR, 2007). According to Mayo Clinic (2008) during exercise routines such as jogging/running, yoga, and cardiovascular workouts, “physical activity helps to bump up the production of your brain's feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins.” While working out and maintaining health, exercise will help a person to distress in a physical manner.

The teammates associate a healthy diet, along with exercise, in managing stress. At times, during a stressful period, people often eat to fulfill the needs caused be stress. Such eating habits, usually result in eating unhealthy foods and doing more damage to a person’s body than just stress. Simple changes in a person’s daily eating routine such as eating breakfast, lowering caffeine intakes, healthy snacks and lunches, and replacing food binges with exercise help eliminate and manage stress levels (Scott, 2007).

The importance of balancing the pressures from professional and personal life often becomes...

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