Strong Inventory Career Assessment Tool

Strong Inventory Career Assessment Tool

Review of Career Assessment Instrument

Kristi Seymour

Career and Vocational Counseling CNSL/562

September 22, 2013

Dee Strbiak


The Strong Interest Inventory assessment measures career and leisure interests. The assessment measures interest in four main areas of scales: General Occupational Themes (GOT's), Basic Interest Scales (BIS's), Personal Style Scales (PSS's), and Occupational Scales (OS's).
1. Identifying information
a. Author: E.K.Strong, Jr.
b. Publisher: CPP
c. Distributors: Psychologists, Therapists
d. Date of Publication: 1927

2. Descriptive Information
a. General statement of Purpose: The Strong Interest Inventory assessment measures career and leisure interests. The assessment is often used to aid people in making educational, leisure and career decisions.
b. Historical development and theoretical/conceptual foundation: The original publication in 1927 focused on interests. It still focuses on interests but expanded to include career and education decisions.
c. Target population: ages 15 on up
d. Description of Scales: The Strong assessment measures interests in four main categories of scales: General Occupational Themes (GOTs), Basic Interest Scales (BISs), Personal Style Scales (PSSs), and Occupational Scales (OSs). Six GOTs measure basic categories of occupational interests—Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (RIASEC)—based on John Holland’s theory (Holland, 1959). Thirty BISs measure clusters of interest related to the GOTs in areas such as Athletics, Science, Performing Arts, and Sales. Five PSSs—Work Style, Learning Environment, Leadership Style, Risk Taking, and Team Orientation—measure preferences for and comfort levels with styles of living and working. Personal Style Scales were added to the inventory in 1994. 260 Oss (130 for men, 130 for women) measure the extent to which a person’s interests are similar to the interests of...

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