Strong Reaction Paper

Strong Reaction Paper

Nicole Guthrie 11 November 2008 Polly Stokes Strong Reaction Paper There are many things in my lifetime that has made me have a strong reaction, whether that reaction is happy, sad, or even angry. I usually keep my composure when I find out something that will hurt my feelings or make me feel strongly. That was until recently when a person that was very dear to me passed away unexpectedly. When I was growing up my family was very close with a few families. One of those was the Mangus family. They had kids who were around the same age as my brothers and sisters. Our families did many things together that I can remember. We would go to the zoo, amusement parks, and also vacations. As you can tell, being around the family so much you would expect nothing less than us to be very close to them. I was closest to one of the older boys, Grant. He was such a genuine boy. Grant was very shy and timid. Grant always had a thing with guns. His father hunted and he took the interest from him. Most of the time he kept to himself, although so did I. I have always been the kid who doesn’t go up to people and introduce myself, much like Grant. I think that is why we connected so well. About two years ago he got engaged to a very nice young lady, Jen. Not soon after they had a son, James. Grant was very close to his child, they were together all of the time. On May 22, 2008, Grant unexpectedly passed away. It was a Saturday night and he and his fiancé went out with a few friends to the bar. By the time they got back to their house one of their friends were very sick. Jen, being a good friend was helping her in the bathroom. Grant was pretty drunk and he and his friend were looking at his guns. Grant was trying to have a conversation with Jen and she was not paying attention. He got frustrated and put the gun to his head aggravated. His friend has told everyone that as he put the gun to his head he said “sometimes these bitches make you want to kill yourself.” Grant had no...

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