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Dr. Conrad Murray’s Forensic Evidence

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Dr. Conrad Murray’s Forensic Evidence
In the case of Dr. Conrad Murray digital forensics was used to provide the necessary evidence to convict Dr. Murray in the following ways. The prosecutors in this case utilized Dr. Murray’s iPhone to collect forensic evidence. This evidence contained recordings of Michael Jackson speaking in a slurred manner, which was gathered by DEA computer forensic examiner. These voice recordings of Jackson helped prosecutors make their case that Murray very clearly steered away from acceptable medical practices (CNN, 2014). Clearing showing that he was not holding up to his oath as a doctor in the medical environment.
In addition to voice recordings as evidence the forensic examiner for the prosecutors found digital medical charts and emails on the iPhone. These medical charts and emails at first where thought to be non-existent to the prosecution team. The emails were vital evidence to this case because they went sent hours before Michael Jackson died.
The voice recording evidence was crucial to the prosecution’s case because it showed that Michael Jackson was heavily sedated and under the influence of a strong substance. In addition to the slurring manner in which he speaking is true testament that Dr. Murray was present at time. By Dr. Murray having this evidence on his iPhone gives credence that he not only administered the drugs but also had audio recordings of Michael being over sedated and under the influence of some type of substance (King, 2011).
In regards to the digital medical charts on Dr. Murray’s iPhone in which the article did not go into great detail as to what was on the charts. I suspect that the medical charts indicated some sort of documentation about how much of the drugs were administered and how many doses that was given in a 24 hour time period. This...

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