Studing Stratages

Studing Stratages

Use your body: Create a picture, Write it down, Recite and repeat.
I find that using the body strategies helps me because by writing anything down always lets me recall what I need. I use this already in my every day life, by writing lists of things I need to complete through out my day. When I use create a picture, by visualizing a mental picture and or place I am trying to understand the articles that I maybe reading at the time, this in turn lets me pick it up faster and maintain it longer. I have always had problems with people’s names and street names threw out my life. By reciting and repeating a name in a conversation with the individual or repeating a street name over and over. I tend to remember it and am able to recall it later when I need too.

Pay attention: reduce interference, think out loud, and bring your body to attention.
I find this one helps me because if I’m sitting at the table and or desk doing my work or homework, if I notice a noise or an individual distracts me. I lose my train of thought and find myself frustrated when I return back to what it is I am doing at that particular moment. My memory will fail me at this moment as to what I was thinking or reading, and it can take me time to recall what it was I was doing. I always maintain some thing I have read out loud and can find better solutions to a problem I am working on if I talk it out verbally with someone else or out loud to myself. I tend to read my School work out loud when I am having trouble understanding it or retaining it. I have noticed already when I am studying. If I sit up straight and do not lean on my hands over my book, I understanding what I am reading and daydream less. This in turn helps me remember what I have read and gives me more time to do what I have been day dreaming about, instead of needing more time to reread my home work.

Mnemonic devices: Creative sentences, the loci system and the peg systems.
I have used the mnemonic devise through out my...