Study Guide 17&18

Study Guide 17&18

Chapter 17

What makes up blood? And why is it considered a connective tissue?
8 functions of the blood (explanation of each of these)
What does a hematocrit tell you? (Figure 17.1)
Components of plasma…plasma proteins (see descriptions in table 17.1)
Albumin description and function
Why are RBCs and platelets not true cells?
Structure, function, and characteristics of erythrocytes (Figure 17.3 and17.4)
Erythropoiesis (Figure 17.5)
Erythropoietin…how it works, when is it needed (Figure 17.6)
Chemical makeup of hemoglobin
Different forms of hemoglobin (dependent on what’s bonded to it)
Diet requirements for maintaining RBCs and hemoglobin
Life cycle of RBCs (Figure 17.7)
RBC disorders: anemias etc. causes, treatments, symptoms
Structure, function, characteristics of each of WBCs (Figure 17.9 and 17.10)
How WBCs move out of blood and into tissues
Table 17.2 is a great summary for RBCs, WBCs and platelets!!!!!!
Wright stain
Difference between granulocytes and agranulocytes (and which cell belongs to each category)
Production and lifespan of leukocytes (Figure 17.11)
Leukocyte disorders: causes, treatments, symptoms
Platelet generation (figure 17.12)
Hemostasis (3 steps) (figure 17.13)
Phases of coagulation and what is end product of each or what is required to produce end product of phase 1 (last step) (Figure 17.14)
Difference between intrinsic and extrinsic pathway of phase 1 of coagulation (Figure 17.14)
Clot repair
Clot retraction
Factors limiting normal clot growth
Factors preventing undesirable clotting
Hemostasis disorders: cause, treatments, symptoms
Describe ABO and Rh blood types (see Table 17.4)
What is an agglutinogen?
What causes transfusion reactions? What problems does it cause?
Who is considered the universal donor/recipient? Why is this not really accurate?
Diagnostic blood tests: why are they useful?/what do they tell us?

Chapter 18

Be able to trace a drop...

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