

One day on a deserted road a lone boy by the name of Eric was walking came strolling along looking around at the features of the route he was walking. The path was very thin but the surrounding area was just a barren open plain the place was as dead and Eric was very worried that he would soon become the same. Then a man appeared in front of Eric and asked “Hello good sir how may I help you?” Eric looked at the man to see he was a stout man in a silk suit and smoking an electronic cigarette. “Well I do seem to be lost do you know what is up ahead sir?” The man smiled revealing jagged teeth and nodded then he took one more puff of the fake cigarette and said, “Why yes I can help you. There will be two paths coming up one to the right and one to the left. You must choose whatever path suits you but be warned, one path leaves to salvation and one leads to destruction.” With these final words the man disappeared with the breeze. Eric shook as the wind hit his arm but he continued on until he faced the two paths that the man talked about. Eric looked down both paths as the man’s words repeated in his head, “One path leads to salvation and one leads to destruction.” Eric scratched his head for a bit and then he was tapped on the shoulder. Eric turned around to see a girl about the age of seven looking up at him and then in a quiet voice the girl asked, “You look lost sir can I help you?” Eric smiled and said, “Well actually yes you can I was told that one of these paths lead to destruction and the other leads to salvation but I don’t know which one it is do you know little girl?” The girl stared at Eric for a good minute and then she said, “The path to your salvation or your destruction is your own nobody can choose it for you.” And with that she too disappeared with the breeze. Eric was now getting nervous everyone that he talks to gives him cryptic messages and disappears with the wind. Eric recollected himself and thought about what the girl said,...

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