

A phone survey has been taken by a Chinese marketing company. Read the information below and answer the questions in English. These 2 words appear in the text below: `李海是中学生。他上中学九年级。他爸爸是中国人,妈妈是' '本人。他的爸爸出生在'' 京。他的妈妈出生在东京。李海出生在法国。他的爸爸去过很多国家;他去过英国,德国,法国,美国,中国'''' '本。他的妈妈去过' '本,法国'''中国。李海没有去过中国'''' '本。李海去过法国'''美国。李海的爸爸五十岁,妈妈四十'.'岁。他的爸爸妈妈都工作。现在李海的家里人都住在法国。` How old do you think is Li Hai? Explain your answer. 14 years old. It said he was in High School Grade 9. What has he said about mum and dad? They’ve both been to many countries, their ages, they both work, birth place and where they live. Where was he born? Are you surprised he was born here? Support your answer with evidence from the survey. France. Yes, he is Chinese but born in France. Which continents has Li Hai not been to before? Asia, Europe, Australia, Antarctica, Africa. `王安一是大学二年级的学生。她出生在'' 京。她现在住在加拿大。她爸爸妈妈都是中国人,他们住在'' 京。王安一没有'.'弟姐妹。王安一的爸爸工作,他是老师。王安一的妈妈也工作,她是医生。他们都'.'十七岁。王安一去过中国,加拿大,美国,巴西'''澳大利亚。他没有去过欧洲'''非洲。` What is the name of this person? Wang An Yi Does this person live in the same place that they were born? Explain your answer. No, she was born in Beijing and lives in Canada. What has she said about her siblings? Are you surprised? Explain your answer. She has no brothers or sister. No, her parents are a bit too old to give birth again and Wang An Yi is only around 20 years old. Thus, her parents gave birth to her at an old age. Where has she been? China, Canada, America, Brazil and Australia. What is her occupation and that of her parents? University Student. Dad is a teacher and her mum is a doctor. `李山是马来西亚人。他的家里人都出生在马来西亚。他们住在亚洲。他的爸爸住在' '本,李山'''妈妈住在上海,姐姐住在西安,' '' '住在'' 京。李山九岁。他的姐姐上大学一年级,' '' '上大学三年级。他的爸爸五十'.'岁,妈妈四十岁。他们都工作。李山的爸爸去过两个国家,她的妈妈去过马来西亚,' '本,中国,德国,'' 非'''法国。` How many people are in Li Shan’s family? Who are they? 5. Dad, Mum, Older Brother, Older Sister and Li Shan. What...

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