


Why planning ahead of time is essential to the mission.

The mission is without a doubt the most important thing in the military. In the military there is a plan then there is a backup plan, mainly because the original plan never goes the way it’s intended. As a solider it’s very convenient for a backup plan to be in place seeing as to how things never ever I mean ever go to plan. Getting things to go to plan is to get everyone on the same page by telling them everything they need to know. Where they need to be, when they need to be there and, what needs to be done. If everyone gets the gist of what needs to go down then everything should go smooth right? Nope, everything will more than likely get twisted. Someone will without a doubt mess up the plan. Planning ahead is a common key ingredient to a successful story, no matter what the goal may be. Having a plan will not only help you reach your goal(s), but it can help you stay on track with your goal(s) a lot easier. Something that I have experienced and greatly believe in is having a plan, along with having alternative plans for those times of "just in case." Similarly, Coach Nicole has blogged about developing a Plan B, which has helped numerous people, including myself when times get busy or tough. I'm sure many of you have experienced those times when unexpected things come up and catch you completely off guard. When you have a plan, plan B, and maybe even a plan C, you are more likely to stick with your goal(s), which will make you happier in the end and you will have given yourself a perfect recipe for success.

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