

Report of preventing youth suicidal behaviour
The main part of folio research suggested the reasons behind youth suicidal behaviour. Youth suicide is preventable, it is just like solve any other issue, find out what factors are causing suicide and adopt measures against to.
The risk factors of youth suicidal behaviour include basically individual factors and social factors. Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA) launched a youth suicide prevention position statement introduced some protective factors which against to those risky ones, different suicidal preventing programs suit for different people.
Positive factors
Individual factors
Good coping skills
Family connectedness and support
Personal resilience
Positive school environment
Social and emotional wellbeing
Protection from adverse life events
Ability and desire to seek help if necessary
Social and community inclusion

Mental health services
As significant numbers of youth suicides are linked to mental illness, therefore these services should provide professional and effective treatment and consultation. The provision of these kinds of services and co-op partners must ensure the patient goes through the treatment without experiencing disjointed pathways of care.
Young people typically avoid health services and mental health service because of shame, fear, and lack of awareness of services. Thus the services must be attractive and accessible to young people.
Programs for at-risk groups
This measure is typically helpful for people like indigenous people and those living in remote areas and can’t access some of the services needed. Let people who has same or similar problems get together to share experience, better privacy ,and better chance of screening suicidal risks, it is also easier to provide advanced service if the case is more seriously.
There are a lot of more other universal prevention programs which targeted to the risks most of youth have in common. Such as school...

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