

 Story vs. Poem
To begin with literature has grown a lot over the years and now we have fights over which is the best. For example stories vs. poems. They have my differences but they also have plenty of similar things. Some differences are that they are different lengths, a poem can be very short but have meaning and a story is long with lots of details. A similarity of both might be that they are meant to connect with their readers. At the end you will decide which of both has won the battle.
To start off with we will compare which of the two are more entertaining. Story are more fun to read them poems. Poems are short but have a hidden meaning so you are struggled to find the meaning. While in stories it’s most lengthy and can keep a reader wondering but not confused till the end. Stories are meant to keep the reader in synch and entertained till either the conflict of the main character is solved or all issues are resolved. A stories is much better than a poem because it is twenty times more entertain then a puzzling poem.
Another reason of bow a story is better is because they are more fun to create. A Poem has structure on how it has to be made and the length and you have to put to thought the hidden meaning so that hour readers can find it. But for story, you can be as creative as you want you have more structure and no rules. Your creativity is your source that drives the story to be excellent. You can be more fun and like tell a space story and like in the end have the same meaning as the poem you read about in your English class in high school. Poems are more serious and formal. And stories are more for losses and entertainment.
To conclude stories are more understandable then poems. They connect more to people and who are not as smart as people as those who go into the depth of poems and try to search for the meaning that I keep bring in up. A story is more easily...

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