Supervision for Instructional Improvement

Supervision for Instructional Improvement

Supervision for Instructional Improvement

Supervision for Instructional Improvement
EDA 551
Grand Canyon University
Amy Thompson
May 6, 2014

Supervision for Instruction Improvement
It is important that every school leader promote professional development throughout their school because professional development is the key factor in student success. Professional development will also meet the demands that the Federal Government mandates on public schools. Professional development will improve the quality of the schools within the United States( DeSimone). The new educational reforms success depends upon how well trained and educated our teachers and that is another keen reason that leaders of any school district needs to promote professional development. It is important to get viewpoint from both parties of a school and that would include viewpoints of a principal and a teacher. These viewpoints will shed light on what steps need to be taken in order to have continued instructional improvement.
My first interview was conducted with the school principal and professional development was the topic of discussion during our interview. The principal had a strong opinion that a well-versed school leader should be well educated on any new teaching methods prior to them being introduced to the teachers. The goal of this principal is that he is successful in training for the new changes so that it promotes stakeholder success and teachers can model the same behavior in their classrooms. It is also pointed out that any professional development program needs a follow-through agenda, meaning assessments are need to insure what is gained during professional development is being utilized in the classrooms. Assessment of the success of professional development could be gained though observing the meeting of goals and objectives and overall student success. Research-based is another key factor in professional...

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