Supply Chain Management Test 1 study guide

Supply Chain Management Test 1 study guide

Operations: Managing Supply Chain Processes
Test 1 Study Guide

Date: Monday, September 22, 2014
Topics: SCM Concepts (Episode 1) – Video, Reading, In Class Discussion & Activities
Network Design (Episode 2) – Video, Reading, In Class Discussion & Activities
Long Range Planning (Episode 3) – Video, Readings, In Class Discussion & Activities
Short Range Planning (Episode 4) – Video, Readings, In Class Discussion & Activities
Seven Principles of Supply Chain Management – Reading

Format: 40 multiple choice x 2 points = 80

Bring: Scantron form, pencil, calculator

Preparation Strategy

1. Read the articles and review anything from the videos that is unclear
2. Study the PowerPoint presentations (both video-related and the in-class information)
3. Get comfortable with the in-class problems from Episodes 3 and 4
4. Develop answers to study questions.
5. Don’t try to do 1-4 the evening before the test.

Study Questions – good preparation for multiple choice questions
1. What is SCM and why is it important? Who are the key participants and the primary processes?
a. SCM includes all the activities that take place to get a product in your hands.
b. Key participants: Suppliers  Manufacturers  Distributors  Retailers  Consumers
c. Processes: Planning, procurement, production and distribution
2. What are the goals of SCM? How can organizations build competitive advantage via SCM?
a. Better, Faster, Cheaper than ever before
3. What are links and nodes? What value-adding process takes place at supply chain nodes?
a. Links – transportation systems used to connect nodes
b. Nodes – fixed point in supply chain where goods are processed, mixed, held or sold
c. Value added – incoming materials are converted into a more valuable state to meet downstream customer needs
4. Understand the differences between:
a. centralized networks – decision making authority is held by a core group of managers,
i. benefits – lower...

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