Synopsis of Good to Great by Steven Covey

Synopsis of Good to Great by Steven Covey

Synopsis of book Good to Great by Jim Collins

1. Most were not high-profile leaders with big personalities, many of them were introvert, reserved kind of people but they were self-motivated people and had the ideology to silently produce extra ordinary results.
2. It should never be an I-Centric approach; they always use to speak about how the team makes company successful. They had genuine modesty; humility and transparency are most important indegredients that most of the good to great leaders had.
3. Long-term strategic planning is what makes a difference between a good and a great company.

First who… then what…
1. Another major difference which was found while identifying great companies in comparison to good companies, were the process of how the people were hired.
2. People are not our most important asset, but the right people are. And this is the major difference which helped defining success stories for great companies.
3. These companies unlike another company did not make a plan, and then selected people. But they first got the right people on the board and then thought to develop and derive the plan.
4. The adaptability to changes and diversification of plan is much more suitable when we have the right people who have come without pre-defined notions.
5. When you have right people, these people are themselves self-motivated and are capable of finding out multiple solutions to the problems in the crisis situations.
6. Right people always want to be a part of the winning team.

Confront the brutal facts (yet never lose faith)
1. Facts and figures are something which is required to take the decisions, however many companies though having data on their table failed because they placed were ready to accept the facts in some cases and thus placed more importance to their notions, and not the data.
2. We always scratch our head finding answers on what to do to become successful or great, it equally matters to identify and...

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