systems thinking

systems thinking

To: Dr. Bruce Huang
From: Constance F. Lima-Gonzalez
Date: October 4, 2015

Dr Huang,
I am writing this to inform you of the intent to incorporate this week’s studies into my organization
Amazon’s organizational structure was a simple structure, and now is a Multi-divisional structure and consists of 3 divisions, these divisions consist of a vice president who report to the CEO:
▪ Seller Division
▪ Consumer Division
▪ Developer Division
Having over 51,300 employees around the world, that work in many departments in North America, Europe and Asia. All of the employees in the whole company contribute in many functions and other positions (
Although Amazon has many amazing and innovative ideas to stay ahead of their competition, they seem to suffer when it comes to profits.  “Amazon grew and grew, reporting bigger and bigger revenues year after year.  But never any profits.”  (Edwards 2015) 
The process-oriented model could benefit this company by redesigning the existing structure and focusing on increasing the total profits. By implementing a process-oriented culture, my organization could eliminate our costs. Amazon is a software developer, I am quite sure they can develop a program for this, and in doing so would make their business bigger than it is now. (Edwards 2015) 

Edwards, J. (2015, January 30). Amazon's profit shows how few people understand the way the company works. Retrieved October 3, 2015, from
Raghu, T. S. (2010). Creating a process-oriented enterprise at Pinnacle West (Ivey Publishing Case Study No. 9B10E002).

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