Tales of the Greek Heroes

Tales of the Greek Heroes

In the legendary book Tales of the Greek Heroes, the author Roger Lancelyn Green beautifully wrote and retold the adventures of gods and men of the Heroic age. The Greek Heroes revealed themselves through the virtues of courage, determination, and wisdom. For example, three of the Greek Heroes are Hercules, Perseus, and Theseus. Hercules showed courage in his twelve labours, which he had to perform because of his anger. Perseus showed determination when he slayed the Gorgon head Medusa and Theseus, showed wisdom in dealing with the miscreants on his way to Athens.
In Greek mythology, Hercules became noted for his strength and courage, and his many legendary exploits. Hercules is the son of the god Zeus and Alcmene wife of the Theban general Amphitryon. Hercules Conquered a tribe that had been exacting tribute from Thebes, as a reward he married the Theban princess Megara by whom he had three children. Hera, the wife of Zeus was relentless in her hatred of Hercules, sent a fit of madness upon him, during he killed his wife and children. Hercules became the servant of his cousin Eurystheus, urged on by Hera devised as a penance the twelve labours. “Be sure that I’ll work you hard though I doubt whether you’ll be able to perform any of the labours which I have in store for you”# said Eurystheseus. Hercules displayed courage because even though the twelve labours would probably be the hardest thing he would ever do, he set out to begin.
Equally important, Perseus, is son of Zeus, father of the gods, and of Danae, daughter of Acrisius, king of Argos. Perseus grew to manhood on the island of Seriphus, Polydectes the king of Seriphus fell in love with Danae and fearing that Perseus might interfere with his plans sent him to procure the Gorgon head Medusa. Perseus set out to please the evil king Polydectes and retrieve the Gorgon head Medusa, with snakes for hair and dragon scales which covered it’s head. They had white tusks like pigs and hands of brass, and...

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