Teaching a Class

Teaching a Class

1. Students will understand the basic concepts of race, ethnicity and gender, as well as the interactive nature of these phenomena in America.
2. Students will examine and discuss the migration phenomena and the differences in terms of origin, destination (push-pull theories) as well as the types of migration and its consequences.
3. Students will be able to identify and state the basic theoretical and ideological assumptions behind each of the perspectives regarding Prejudice, Discrimination and the different forms it takes in society. Also students will understand the connection between these concepts and the impact in American politics.
4. Students will be able to understand the correlation between socioeconomic dynamics and minority status in American society.
5. Students will analyze group displacements and movements caused by major transformations in society, and its impact based on social class, race and ethnicity.
6. Students will be able to describe and explain the dynamics of ethnic and racial minority experiences in the United States, as well as important leaders, events and problems throughout their history in this country.
7. Students will be able to confront their own perceptions about race, ethnicity and gender, with those coexisting in America and be able to evaluate them objectively.

Course Requirements
1. Three partial exams. No make up exams.
2. A 10 page paper focused on one specific topic regarding minorities
3. 90% Attendance (without excuses). Your grade will be affected with absences.
4. Full and active participation (see “ground rules”)
5. Written reports regarding films watched in class (100 % of them required for considering a passing grade)

The term paper rubric: This rubric should be followed closely. The instructor will have the prerogative of giving a non-passing grade if the paper is not structured according to this set of instructions:
1. The term paper should be 10...

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