Teams Self-Organizing

Teams Self-Organizing

{text:bookmark-start} Project Planning in New Teams {text:bookmark-end} Project Planning in Teams The Topic- The topic of this paper is how teams can self-organize around a goal without a clear process for achieving the goal. The Audience – The audience is my fellow team mates and class mates in GEN/300. I know this problem is in my team. If it is happening here with my team, it is happening elsewhere. Might as well let others benefit from my experiences and questions. Thesis Statement – In forming task-force teams, there can be confusion about how to achieve a given goal, especially if none of the members have been members of teams before. Introduction – A new team with inexperienced members can suffer from considerable confusion about how to approach a goal. All of the members are well meaning, but none have the experience necessary to provide an action plan to the rest of the team. How can a team generate the action steps needed to achieve a goal? Body – Team C is filled with adults who have achieved goals in their lives. How can their success process be adapted to a team environment? An individual can approach the problem of not knowing the proper steps to achieve a goal by taking some or all of the following steps – Get written, audio, or video information on the steps needed Ask someone who has accomplished this goal before how they accomplished it. Trial and error A team can take the same approaches. In contrast to an individual, team members have to be able to share the information among themselves in order to be successful. Conclusion – Inexperienced teams can achieve their goals, even with incomplete knowledge of the action steps needed to accomplish the goal. By adapting their strategies as individuals to the team environment and communicating their thinking processes to their team mates, they can be successful in fashioning and executing an action plan in accomplishing their goal.

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