Technology over Humanity

Technology over Humanity

Technology Over Humanity
“If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner.” In today’s world, it is almost impossible to function without our electronic distractions like cell phones, computers, video games, and televisions. In fact, it is very easy to become slaves to our technological conveniences. Several decades ago, the idea of the basic calculator was inconceivable, but today we can’t do basic math without spending $100 or more on a device that is essentially a computer. Is new technology really the answer to all our problems, or an evil that enslaves us?
To answer this question, I used a narrative series of photographs to show an intelligent girl’s descent from model citizen to technology slave. The girl starts as a pretty, happy, and smart book-worm. As this girl’s electronics take over more everyday tasks, she forgets how to function normally without her electronic slaves. When she is disconnected from her digital world, she loses control in reality. Her story will parallel the life a drug addict, only her drug of choice is technology. To put it succinctly, I warn of the danger in letting your computer become smarter than you are.
I wanted to focus on the fact that addiction takes many different forms. Just because you don’t have to drive to a shady part of town and buy something from “that guy”, doesn’t mean you don’t have an addiction. Technology can be a very useful tool in the right hands, but when it is misused it can be a terrible demon to face.

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