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Applying Gorman’s block busters to myself by making a list of things I can be faced with. I am not a very good problem solver. When trying to solve a problem I don’t read all the information I get stuck. I feel like it is Perceptual block because it says that it prevents you from clearly perceiving the problem or information needed to perceive it.
I also feel like I am a bad problem solver because I am scared to take risk and try new problems. I also tend to approach a problem with a negative attitude. This is judging rather than gathering ideas which I am not very good at. I tend to not look at things first before I try to solve the problem.
Lack of Challenging is kind of a big thing because I don’t feel like its worthy for me to try or that I can do it. I hate starting something not liking it and then not getting it finished. I also like to rush to get things finished to get it out of the way which is the Inability to Incubate. I want to get it out of the ways as fast as I can.
Fear of Risk Taking this block usually stems from childhood. If you are afraid you normally don’t grow out of it. Lack of Appetite for Chaos problem solvers must learn to live with confusion. I get confused easy and when I get confused it’s hard to get me back on track.
What is the nature of these mental blocks and what causes them? Some common causes of blocks have been summarized by Higgins Common Causes of Mental Blocks. Defining the problem; too narrowly. Attacking the symptoms rather than the real problem. Assuming there is only one right answer. Getting, "hooked" on the first solution that comes to mind. Getting "hooked" on a solution that almost works but really doesn't. Being distracted by irrelevant information, called "mental dazzle". Getting frustrated; by a lack of success. Being too anxious to finish • Defining the problem ambiguously
I can apply the entire mental block to my life by getting things done, not getting in a hurry, and just paying attention. I need to know...

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