

From Textbooks to Laptops
Even though our society has witnessed outer space exploration, genetic mapping, and the effects of harnessing nuclear power, it still has yet to grasp the notion that it is time to change the way we access information in the education system. We have gone through the same lame process for years: buy the books, try not to damage them, and sell them back for way less money than initially paid. Laptops should replace textbooks in all schools because they better prepare students, reduce paper waste, and are less physically demanding.
The entire purpose of school is to adequately prepare the student for a successful life; successful life calls for organization skills and professional competency. Employing laptops instead of textbooks to the students allows them to access not only the information dwelling in the book, but also information located on the Internet. This helps the student learn to use multiple resources for whatever knowledge they are seeking, which is a great skill to use during a future career. Laptops possess the ability to contain an organized library of books, which can be accessed very easily by the student.
In addition, laptops can help propel the “green revolution” of today by eliminating harmful and costly paper waste. They help to conserve the ink and paper levels used in the process of manufacturing the millions upon millions of textbooks. Not only will paper from the production of textbooks be spared, but paper from note taking as well.
The employment of laptops to students will also benefit them physically, unlike books. Only one lightweight laptop is necessary to access information. One laptop can be carried around without hurting a student’s back. One laptop can be read in the light or in the dark.
Textbooks have limited information, which is difficult to find. Unlike the laptop, the textbook has biased information only provided by the author that wrote it. Students can spend hours...

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