The Buzz on Caffeine

The Buzz on Caffeine

Reviewing the Reading
1. In what way must caffeine be consumed to get the maximum benefits for an energy boost? The way to drink Caffeine, explain by James Wyatt, to consume a little caffeine in the morning and later take small doses during the day.
2. What is the danger of consuming caffeine in the evening? Danger is lack of sleep and depression may occur.
3. What research still needs to be done about the effects of caffeine? The research of preventing Parkinson’s disease and Type 2 diabetes still needs research to validate the effects of caffeine.
4. Why do caffeine drinkers need more and more caffeine to get the same effects? The body habits to caffeine quickly and needs more of a dose to feel the same effects.
5. What are the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal? How can you reduce the amount of caffeine you consume without experiencing withdrawal symptoms? The symptoms are tiredness and headaches causes the brain to starve when remove of caffeine. Reduce the amount of caffeine; modify your consumption by cutting back.

Strengthening Your Vocabulary
1. Aggravates: to make worse. The words were “aggravates stress” that means that caffeine worsens stress.
2. Constitutes: make or create. The phrase, “vague what constitutes a cup deliberately”, which means makes.
3. Concedes: to accept as true, valid, or accurate. “He concedes that the work is”.
4. Therapeutic: curing the disease. “Therapeutic effects may lead to treatment”.
5. Novice: beginner or new. “A caffeine novice can get a kick from as little as 20 mg”.
6. Abstinence: similar of use of alcoholic beverages. “Begin after overnight abstinence. The discomfort”.

Summary of “The Buzz on Caffeine”
In the article, Caffeine can help fight lethargy and disease, but also the drug has defects which can cause dangerous consequences. First, James Watts and Meir Stamper explains caffeine is use for an energy boost or use for treatments; that include type two diabetes and Parkinson disease. Researchers use...

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