The Chrysalides

The Chrysalides

The Chrysalides
In life and novels alike there is always a protagonist, which we like to see as ourselves, and an antagonist likely a biter rival trying to throw a knot in our path. In John Wyndham’s The Chrysalids Joseph Strorm shows how ignorant, short tempered and brash he can be, while the cool and collected Uncle Axel shows his unbiased side.

Throughout The Chrysalids Joseph Strorm lives his life from the bible, believing humans are never supposed to advance in life for fear of another tribulation sent from God. Uncle Axel on the other hand knows the lay of the world and has realized that something much bigger and more devastating rocked the balance of the earth than some religious propaganda. Along with Joseph not knowing what really happened to the world, he also lives his life denying there is something strange about his own deviant son. But from the moment Axel first seen David in concentration he knew there was something bigger going. A result of Axel watching David was that without any help he taught himself to think-shapes, showing him a whole new side of life. For this Uncle Axel will always have a larger horizon and a more prosperous life than Joseph’s limited knowledge will let him.

Joseph Strorm has not only limited knowledge but is also great specimen of pride and prejudice. He shows this several times throughout the story whenever someone gets the upper hand on him his pride clouds his common sense and he accuses them of being deviant. A great example of this is when Unlike Joseph, Uncle Axel appreciates those better than him, and try’s to learn as much form them as he can. For not discriminating against others Uncle Axel has become more liked and respected in Waknuk.

On the matter of respect, it can be interpreted in many different ways. People respect Uncle Axel because he is a kind hearted gentleman, and crippled posing no threat physically or emotionally. While Joseph on the other hand is...