The Classical and the Renaissance Art Periods

The Classical and the Renaissance Art Periods

The Classical and the Renaissance are both famous art periods in history. The Classical period was the time when the Greek and Romans still had their empires and ruled. The Renaissance period was the time when artists broke off from the Middle Ages and started their own movement. The Classical and Renaissance are alike in many of their art styles; there are only a few differences between the two art periods. Ultimately, the Renaissance was a revival of the styles, architecture, and philosophy of the Classical period.
Ancient Greek art is known for elevating the human form as seen in Classical sculpture, architecture, and pottery. The Greeks were independent and believed highly in humanism, which put focus on what humans could do and how perfect their bodies could be, and their works of art showed their beliefs. The works of art in this time showed their beliefs of humanism because the artists put emphasis on portraying the human body perfectly. Classical Greek art focused on harmony, symmetry, and balance in their style, especially in sculpture and architecture. Ancient Roman art mainly recognized how powerful their people were through themes of imperialism, military victory, and heroism. Romans also focused on religious themes in their architecture by dedicating beautiful buildings to gods and goddesses. Philosophers such as Socrates and Plato taught students of virtue during the Classical period. Socrates, a Greek philosopher, taught that virtue and knowledge is the same thing. Plato, also a Greek philosopher, taught that there was a realm of Forms and in that realm there were the perfect ideals of Justice and Beauty. The Classical period was a time of beautiful architecture, philosophical discussions, and humanistic thought.
The Renaissance was the revival of Classical thought, philosophy, and art; as well as new innovations in the art world and focus on secular ideas. In the beginning of the Renaissance there was a rise of humanism which put the...

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