The Controversy of Abortion

The Controversy of Abortion

In the highly controversial society that we live in today there are many issues that people do not agree with. Some examples of disagreement are the Martin Luther King movement or the use of cell phones while driving. Even the right to smoke in public areas is causing some controversy. Many people do not understand all of the facts and therefore fail to take both aspects into consideration. Countless individuals are guilty of having the attitude that “my way is right”. Unfortunately, that mindset is not always true.
Furthermore, the subject I will be addressing is abortion. Should it be legal? Does anyone have the right to take a life? Is it actually a living person? The word Abortion by definition means the termination of the pregnancy and the development of the fetus before it is capable of independent life. It is also called “the knowing destruction of the life of an unborn child.” During the past few decades, this topic has been one of the most debatable issues of controversy in the United States and other developed countries. Is abortion a woman’s choice or is this murder?
Accordingly, in this controversial issue, there are two major sides: “Pro- choice” and “Pro-life”, who advocates for and against abortion. In this context, Pro choice advocates that the women have the right to do with their body as they wish and the government should not interfere in it. For those who demand complete control of their body, it should include preventing the risk of unwanted pregnancy through the responsible use of contraception or through abstinence. Pro life or anti abortionists feel that the children are born at conception and should not be aborted which constitutes a murder of an innocent human being. The ability of a woman to have control of her body is critical to civil rights. Take away her reproductive choice and you step onto a slippery slope. If the government can force a woman to continue a pregnancy, what about forcing a woman to use contraception or...

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