The Council

The Council

“People should not be afraid of their governments, Government should be afraid of its people.” I remarked somberly, Staring out the window, on a city that was once the shinning star of the Magical Community.
“You would think that I would have known that from all my years in government, but no I became “power hungry”, “policing” and “controlling” as I have often been called by my political enemy’s.” I exclaimed sarcastically, to the man sitting in the corner.
I could tell that the man was a little scared to be here, but he showed no sign of it. He leered at me, from across the table, he then reached out and turned on the small box that was on the table, setting it to record. The man started to speak in a voice that was like sandpaper on steel.
“When your ready state your name and former titles for me please.” He spat at me.
“David Charles Walsh, King of Magic, Council Leader, Dragon Master, father, lover, friend, and husband,.’ I uttered choking back a sob at the memory of all that I had lost. ‘Is that enough for you?”
“Perfect” He answered.
“What is it that you want to know exactly?” I said questioningly.
“Everything, how you came to power, your years reigning, the fall, everything” He said excitedly
“Fine, lets start at the beginning,’ I said starting to perk up a bit, ‘What do you know about the history of the magical community?”
“Nothing” He said sounding upset, I cast out my senses and felt that he also felt ashamed.

“In the mortal world the history and science books have it that Earth was a wasteland with virtually no life and over thousands of years plants, animals and eventually people having the become what it today,’ I paused for him to take it all in, ‘But we of the magical world know different.”
Back when the world was young , there was only one mass of land called Pangaea. After the world was formed the first version of primitive life forms started to appear, and human life would have progressed has the Mortals said...

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