The Day I Thought I Was Going Die

The Day I Thought I Was Going Die

  • Submitted By: lalisa24
  • Date Submitted: 02/23/2009 11:38 AM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 754
  • Page: 4
  • Views: 483

LaLisa M Lewis
English 101
Sidney Nevels
February 6, 2009
729 Words
The Day I Thought I Was Going Die!

BOOMMM! Disappointment, disbelief and fear filled my mind as my mom’s car came to a complete stop and pinned up against a tree.
“What have I done? Please tell me this is all just a dream?”
I see blood dripping from my finger and both air bags are out. I still don’t know what happen. I’m in denial. My body is aching I’m sandwich between the tree and the metal from the car. I had something heavy on my body and I tried to push it off of me. But it didn’t work.
“Why can’t I move?” I thought to myself.
I attempted to yell, “HELP!!” but I couldn’t get my mouth to spit out those words.
I now realize I have the passagener side of the car sitting in my lap. It didn’t hurt because my body was numb. My lungs felt clogged and air would neither enter nor escape them.
“OMG, I’m going to die”
In the distance, I saw cars driving by completely unaware of what happened, how I felt. I tried to yell again but of course my voice was unheard. All I could do was wait. Wait for someone to help me or wait to die.
I just knew I was going die and nobody was going find me, my eyes were getting heavy. I’m trying to stay awake because I don’t want to die. “I’m only 17. I have so much to live for I can’t die like this. I didn’t even graduate high school yet. I can’t do this to the class of 2007. I can’t do this to my friends and family.” my mind continues to wonder. “Stay awake LaLisa!! Somebody is going to find you, hold on.” I kept trying to motivate myself to hold on and be strong.
“LaLisa! Oh my God! LaLisa!" It was my mom. I was disappointed and embarrassed of myself. I knew she was angry that her car was in a car accident. I tried to yell for help and to my surprise they heard me. All these people were here, I heard loud chainsaws. I knew I was about to get rescued. I could feel the weight of the car lift slowly off me. “AHHHH” I...

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