The Death of a Mad Man

The Death of a Mad Man

I sit here strapped to this chair until the time when I am to be electrocuted I wonder why it is that I am here. When I was a child my family thought of me as the good kid. I was always helpful, but as I began to age I also began to change. All these changes started when I was an alcohol induced teenager. Constantly my parents were fighting and they were always drunk, that’s where I got my drinking habits from, their constant bickering caused my bleak outlook on life. Now, I’m seen as the obnoxious and alcohol addicted madman. I had a family of three my son, my wife, and myself. My wife was always cheerful and happy even in the most dreadful of times. I loved her so but all the time she was just so perky and optimistic, but that would soon be changed. As for my son, he talked non-stop and he had an annoying voice; I loved him too, but even though he was my flesh and blood I despised him. He bugged me constantly, but other than him and my wife we were one happy family.
One particular night I came home drunk and he started bugging me because he wanted to go to a convention or something I was too drunk to care. I told him I had something to show him and to follow me down into the cellar. He followed me down and then he followed me through the halls of the dark basement and because it was dark we used a flashlight. When we reached the laundry room I purposely turned off the flashlight, he panicked I took out the key to the room and unlocked it. I turned on the light and he calmed down, he noticed that there was a door placed upon the stonewall inside this storage room. He asked me why there was a door on the stonewall if it didn’t lead to a room. I told him to not believe everything he sees. I took out another key and unlocked the door upon the stonewall, I opened the door and he was amazed I told him that this was where I used to play. I got out all my old toys for him and told him he could play down here. I told him to stay where he was and face the back wall. I...

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