The Fast Food Fad

The Fast Food Fad

The Fast Food Fad

Fast food is becoming an increasingly popular meal choice. This trend is due to a multitude of reasons, including many people finding less time, desire, and ability to cook. This abundance of fast food contributes to less family dinner conversations and a rising rate of obesity. It is certainly a trend that needs to be stopped.
Fast food (whether served in kiosks or sit-down restaurants) is known for its convenience and low cost. It is easier than cooking a meal at home because you do not have to make anything – you just tell the server what you want, and they do all the work for you. Speed is another attractive feature of fast food; one can receive a meal within just a couple minutes after the order is placed (with drive-thrus, the process can be even faster).
Many Americans (especially the youth) are developing more active schedules. Many teenagers have to balance sports, jobs, and schoolwork. Because of this, they are often home less during the day and have to eat on-the-go. When they cannot eat at home, they usually turn to fast food. It provides the energy they need for a price they can afford. Adults are also becoming busier. In these tough economic times, many are taking on a second job to pay the bills. When working two jobs, there is not usually enough time to cook, and the convenience of fast food becomes more appealing.
Commercialization of fast food has also been on a steady rise. While watching television, one is bombarded by advertisements claiming “You gotta eat” and “We're open late.” In these ads, the fast food restaurants do not just brag about the taste and price of their foods; they also assert a fun atmosphere. Many fast food restaurants include toys in kids' meals, while others choose to build a playplace. They target children because children are the most susceptible to cheap marketing tricks, and the parents who bring the kids also generally choose to buy food for themselves. This marketing strategy is causing...

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