The Great Hero-King Gilgamesh

The Great Hero-King Gilgamesh

Who can know the countries of the world? Who can see mysteries and know secret things? Who is the most powerful man in the world? Who is the great hero-king beloved by his subjects? Who is the brightest star in the long history river? The godlike man is Gilgamesh.
The gods created him and endowed him a perfect body which everyone dreamed for. He possessed beauty, courage, and wise. Two thirds they made him god and one third man. These excellent qualities helped him to gain great triumph and support.
Gilgamesh travelled around the world to find somebody can withstand his arms. Unfortunately, no one can against and defeat him. With his arrogance growing day by day, people started to complain about him. He should be a good shepherd to his people. However, his lust and arrogance made him become a bad shepherd. He did not show any love to his families and his subjects. When the gods heard about that, they decided to create an equal to him to make his stormy heart calm down. What’s more, people in Uruk would be escaped and lived in a peaceful environment.
As a king, to love his subjects and treat his subjects well is the most important. Arrogance is devil. Without other’s support, you would not have a motivation to make a great progress. Moreover, you will feel lonely and upset. Suppose the gods did not create an equal to him and let him go, he would probably degenerate and stepped into a wrong way. The great hero-king would not appear forever. Instead of it is a tyrant. Thus, in some degree, the gods saved him. They should responsible for the man they created and give a right way to him. The behavior of the gods embodied responsibility.
The appearance of Enkidu made Gilgamesh’s life wonderful and complete. They become best friends by fighting with each other. In fact, the similar thing often happens in our daily life. When a guy argue or fight with another guy, both of them will reveal their real face, real mind, and real attitude in life. It is vey helpful to...

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