The Greatest Speaker of His Time

The Greatest Speaker of His Time


After World War II Germany was going through a crisis, they needed someone to step up and lead them to greatness, who would it be? Adolph Hitler, maybe one of the greatest public speakers of his time was their man to lead them. Hitler had a way with words making people believe whatever he said was true. Although Hitler did a lot for Germany not all of his accomplishments were good. Hitler led Germany through World War II occupying many countries, took Germany out of its worse slump it’s ever been in, and started one of the most horrific events of its time know as the Holocaust.
Hitler gained control of many countries throughout World War II. In September 1939 Hitler invaded Poland which began World War II. Hitler was a successful leader whether it was by force or through scare tactics; he knew how to take over a country. One of the reasons Hitler was successful was because Germany had improved weapons compared to other countries which was a big advantage. Hitler soon became a big threat in Europe occupying Norway, Netherlands, Belgium and France. Not only did he lead Germany through the war, Hitler also improved Germany’s economic problems.
Many Germans were surprised by their success going from a poor broke down country to the most powerful in Europe. Germany after World War I was very poor; all of the countries blamed Germany for the war and wanted them to pay for all the damages. Hitler stepped up and made people realize it was not there faults. Hitler came up with new ideas, and reinforcement of old laws to help out its economy like Hitler argued that for the German woman her "world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home." This policy was reinforced by marking the Cross of Honor of the German Mother on women bearing four or more babies. The unemployment rate was cut enormously, mostly through arms production and sending women home so that men could take their jobs. Given this, claims that the German economy achieved near full...

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