The Idea of Suspense

The Idea of Suspense

The Idea of Suspense

Suspense in the book The Crucible by Arthur Miller is used to create emotion drawn out by the audience. It brings out the best in the audience by not showing them the full part of the story so they use their imagination. Suspense is used widely and throughout the play. Through the entirety of the questionable trial, sequences of character tragedies, and unstable relationships, suspense seeks out the emotions of the audience.
During the trial, many characters undergo changes that influence the outlook of the play. Some characters, such as Reverend Hale becomes fed up with the trial and becomes aggravated, since justice is not becoming a main priority in the court room. Reverend Hale says, “I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court”(120)! Also, Giles Corey becomes sorrowful after incidentally telling people about his wife reading strange books. Which then accumulates into accusations of his wife. Talking to the court he
says, “It is my third wife sir; I never had no wife that be so taken with books, and I thought to find the cause of it, d’y’see, but it were no witch I blamed her for. I have broke charity with the women, I have broke charity with her”(86). Danforth also becomes increasingly annoyed throughout the play. At first he says, “Mr. Hale, you surely do not doubt my justice”(99). Then becoming annoyed saying, “Be quiet”(115)!! In the statements above show that suspense is built throughout the trail and keeps the reader guessing.
The characters question one another which looms tragedy into the play. People naming others in the courtroom prove hysteria. Proctor talking about Abigail says, “I do sir. I believe (Abigail) means to murder”(104). Giles Corey questions Danforth on legal right and the contempt of the court. Corey states, “This is a hearing; you cannot clap me for contempt of a hearing”(97). Elizabeth has suspicion of Abigail and Proctor committing adultery. She says to John, “John-grant me this. You have a faulty...

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